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WordPress started out as simple blogging software. Over many years of development WordPress as not only become the industry leading blogging software; it is equally known for its well developed content management system. WordPress makes it easy for anyone to manage a website. It allows you to create web pages and articles within the software using a web interface similar to Microsoft Word. With a few clicks you can add pictures, videos and more to your web pages.

WordPress Comes With Free Designs

Another great WordPress feature is the hundreds of themes that have already been developed for WordPress. In just a few clicks you can install a quality theme for your WordPress software. If you decide you want a custom design for your website WordPress will allow it. Due to the popularity of WordPress there are many private designers knowledgeable about creating WordPress themes.

WordPress Helps Search Engine Rankings

The web pages that you create with WordPress are HTML compliant which is one of the beginning steps to obtaining good rankings with the search engines.

Blogging is a well known way to increase the popularity of your website. The act of keeping your visitors coming back to your website is an indicator that your website is popular and interesting. By updating your blog regularly and obtaining comments from your visitors your website increases its content and popularity. The popularity of your website is a key factor in determining how your site is ranked in the search engine result pages.

WordPress Has Thousands of Free Programs

One of the best WordPress features is its powerful plugin system. There are thousands of plugins already developed for WordPress. Plugins allow you to add functionality to your website such as contact forms, newsletters, privacy policies, social site links and just about anything else you can imagine.

WordPress Has A Mature Development Community

WordPress was first released in 2003. In the 19 years since its release WordPress has dominated the content management software arena without really trying. WordPress was supposed to be a simple blogging software but grew and matured into the web’s dominating CMS. Due to contributions from thousands of programmers WordPress has the programming required  to be the site building solution for most websites.  WordPress is very actively maintained and updated regularly. The updates fix security issues as well as add functionality to the WordPress core programming. The updates can keep your website from getting hacked and can be run automatically.

WordPress Installation is FREE when you order our web hosting for as low as $1 per month!