Quick PHP Programming
Web programming customized for your website and database
Save time and money with our custom PHP programming
Below is our most popular custom php programming. This website programming has been implemented on many websites. Our programmers customize the programming to work with your website. All programming and databases will exist on your website. You will own the programming with your one time payment and there are no monthly payments. You save money because you won’t have to pay for the entire programming process. You pay a flat rate for the programming to be modified and installed on your website. The PHP programming below is usually delivered one week after order.
All programming is written in object oriented PHP with model, view, controller programming design. We integrate our programming with your database or create the necessary database tables for you. We create any forms needed by the programming and integrate the forms with your design. For security purposes we include javascript/jquery field validation on the front end and field validation at the server on the back end. Field sanitation and data validation happen on the server before the data is processed or added to your database.

Sign Up/Registration
Allow website visitors to post information to your website. The form does not have to be a registration or sign up form. It can be any form that captures any kind of information. The form comes with 20 fields. You decide what data is to be collected.
Add Form Data, On screen submission confirmation, Email copy of form to user
Add Form Data, Edit Form Data, Delete Form Data, List Form Submissions, Search Form Submissions
Price $599

Payment Page
Allow website visitors to purchase products, services or make payments online. Payment process verifies the price of items or balance due with your database before accepting payment. Set up for PayPal PayFlow merchant accounts. Can be modified for any payment processor.
Pay for items purchased or make payment on an account. After successful payment, the customer is provided with an online receipt. A receipt is sent to the customer via email.
List Payments, Add Payment for Customer, Issue refund, Search Payments, Export payment data to CSV file.
Price $699

Allow website visitors to view data from your database or create reports for administrative use. The purpose of the report as well as the data in the report is decided by you. We use the data in your database to create any 5 reports that you need for your website. Each report can display 10 columns of data and an unlimited number of rows.
Create reports for admins and/or members. Users can search reports and list data. Users can view item detail. from listed data. Listed data can be exported as a CSV download if desired.
Price $699

Log In / Log Out
Allow members to log in to and out of your website. Password is hashed with 256 bit encryption and can not be reverse engineered. Successful login creates a server side session that can be used to verify login before allowing access to certain pages on your website.
Log in to website, Log out of website, Change Password. Includes Forgot Username which will email the username to the email address on file. Includes Forgot Password which will email a reset code to the email address on file and allow the member to change their password.
Admin can log in, log out, change password. Admin can list logins, add member login, edit member login, delete member login
Price $899

Customer Service Center
Provide a means by which your customers can add their information to your website. Your customers can view the data you want them to have access to. Includes three custom reports to display your desired data to members. Includes three custom forms to receive data from members.
Customer can register for member access. Member can log in, log out, change password, reset lost password, receive lost username at email address on file. Member can add, edit, delete contact information. Member can view custom reports/listings. Member can add data to custom forms and receive online confirmation of form receipt.
Admin can log in, log out, change password, reset lost password, receive lost username at email address on file. Admin can add, edit, delete member information, change password for member, view and export to CSV custom report data. Add, edit, delete custom form data..
Price $1599

Payment Center
Allow website visitors to purchase products, services or make payments on account. Customers can set up recurring payments and make one time payments. Payment process verifies the price of items or balance due with your database. Set up for PayPal PayFlow merchant accounts. Can be modified for any payment processor.
Use payment form to pay for items purchased from your website. Accept credit card and check payments online. After successful payment, the member is provided with an online receipt. A receipt is also sent via email to the member. Member can change recurring payment amount and payment method. Member can initiate a one time payment for the current date or a future date.
List payments, search payments, process recurring payments automatically or manually, process one time payments, email payment reminders before processing payments, issue refunds, email receipts after processing one time and recurring payments.
Price $2499