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21st golden anniversary


HelpPeopleLive.org is a public charity that offers help to low income individuals seeking an education.

Front End

This site was built with WordPress. The donation page is generated by and processed by custom programming. The custom programming is seen when the Donate Now link is clicked. It is custom programming that processes the donation, displays a receipt and email a receipt to the donor.

Back End

The administrator (charity) can add and edit donor information, search donor information, process donations, issue refunds, resend receipts.



Project Description: This project was to create calculators and utilities to aid truckers in their daily activities. The information pages are generated by WordPress. The custom programming is integrated with WordPress.

Created a subscription service which is paid via credit card with immediate access to online services.

Created a truck rate calculator. Calculator accepts all data related to transporting a load and advises transporter of potential profit or lack thereof. Also suggests a profitable rate to the transporter.

Created invoice factoring calculator. This calculator allows the transporter to enter all fees related to factoring an invoice and returns the net profit on invoice.

Created fuel finder. This program uses transporters current location, desired travel radius and brand of fuel. It locates the cheapest fuel within the desired radius and links to Google maps.